Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LED Utility Grade Streetlight

greenman document,

One does not have to read far back in history to anticipate the next big change needed to heal some environmental wounds. Our planet is calling on us all to go easy on consumption. We as Americans do a little at a time with what we can do with when it comes to our contributions to global concerns. Today and more than ever our forefathers are calling on us to get go and solve a few more worldly problems. One such problem rising its polluting ways is our good old fashioned street lights.

Where would we have been without street lights? Unimaginable today is a world in total darkness. Not since Thomas Edison have we had the opportunity to create a new light. By harnessing electrical energy we have built a strong America and today we seek alternative and renewable sources of energy like never before to get stronger. The Chinese influence to produce an evermore efficient technology in lighting and solar gives me a renewed spirit of freedom like what must have been experienced in the Edison days. I dare to think that we in America can make a difference and produce our own electronic street light that costs little and goes long to reduce our global footprint.

The time is at hand to seize the moment in American manufacturing that accepts the global plan to reduce our consumption of energy and start building the available practical solutions available right here. There is reason to think that our future is bright when the solutions are clear by overwhelming evidence advancing a new technology for our street lights. I am inspired by our leading independent institutions that are leading the way in ideas and strategies to create a better tomorrow by showcasing the problem and offering sensible solutions like from the new 2010 utility grade LED street light built by LRL

Why not do a little at a time and at home first is what I’ve been thinking. We don’t need to make everything here but why not make everything we can and build it green from Quebec and Nova Scotia? We have been given the green light to build from our energy market recaptured wasted energy and right quick. We have everything we need to build a better tomorrow by building our own street lights that are up to date, approved utility grade and green for everyone. Greenman is no fiction and America is ready for the street light change.

I highly endorse the resulting standards adopted unanimously by 44 utilities and countless municipalities allowing for a higher quality standard that defines the 2010 utility grade LED street light. This major attestation from science provides proof positive that the direction is clear with the future of street lighting LED rated 2010 utility grade. From Dr. Jack Josefowicz labratory in Halifax, NS the world was provided with a defined new standard for utility grade LED street lighting. The new standard adopts a new 20 year service free street light design for all Utility Grade LED Streetlights plus preserves and expands newly defined LED public safety guidelines.

We all win!

1 comment:

  1. check this out and be informed
